śiva aṣṭottaraśata nāmāvali
The 108 auspicious Names of Lord Shiva

ॐ शिवाय नमः ~ oṁ śivāya namaḥ
1. Aum, Salutations to Shiva, the Auspicious One
ॐ महेश्वराय नमः ~ oṁ maheśvarāya namaḥ
2. Aum, Salutations to Maheshvara, the Great Lord
ॐ शम्भवे नमः ~ oṁ śambhave namaḥ
3. Aum, Salutations to Shambhu, the One who bestows happiness
ॐ पिनाकिने नमः ~ oṁ pinākine namaḥ
4. Aum, Salutations to Pinakin, the Wielder of the bow
ॐ शशिशेखराय नमः ~ oṁ śaśiśekharāya namaḥ
5. Aum, Salutations to Shashishekhara, the Bearer of the moon
ॐ वामदेवाय नमः ~ oṁ vāmadevāya namaḥ
6. Aum, Salutations to Vamadeva, the beautiful Lord
ॐ विरूपाक्षाय नमः ~ oṁ virūpākṣāya namaḥ
7. Aum, Salutations to Virupaksha, the One of spotless form
ॐ कपर्दिने नमः ~ oṁ kapardine namaḥ
8. Aum, Salutations to Kapardin, the One with matted hair
ॐ नीललोहिताय नमः ~ oṁ nīlalohitāya namaḥ
9. Aum, Salutations to Nilalohita, the One who is bluish-red in hue
ॐ शङ्कराय नमः ~ oṁ śaṅkarāya namaḥ
10. Aum, Salutations to Shankara, the Causer of all good
ॐ शूलपाणये नमः ~ oṁ śūlapāṇaye namaḥ
11. Aum, Salutations to Shulapani, the Wielder of the trident
ॐ खट्वाङ्गिने नमः ~ oṁ khaṭvāṅgine namaḥ
12. Aum, Salutations to Khatvangin, the Wielder of the axe
ॐ विष्णुवल्लभाय नमः ~ oṁ viṣṇuvallabhāya namaḥ
13. Aum, Salutations to Vishnu-vallabha, the One loved by Vishnu
ॐ शिपिविष्टाय नमः ~ oṁ śipiviṣṭāya namaḥ
14. Aum, Salutations to Shipivishta, the One encircled in rays of light
ॐ अम्बिकानाथाय नमः ~ oṁ ambikānāthāya namaḥ
15. Aum, Salutations to Ambika-natha, the Lord of Ambika (Shakti)
ॐ श्रीकण्ठाय नमः ~ oṁ śrīkaṇṭhāya namaḥ
16. Aum, Salutations to Srikantha, the One with a shining throat
ॐ भक्तवत्सलाय नमः ~ oṁ bhaktavatsalāya namaḥ
17. Aum, Salutations to Bhakta-vatsala, the One who loves His devotees
ॐ भवाय नमः ~ oṁ bhavāya namaḥ
18. Aum, Salutations to Bhava, the One who is existence itself
ॐ शर्वाय नमः ~ oṁ śarvāya namaḥ
19. Aum, Salutations to Sharva, the great Archer
ॐ त्रिलोकेशाय नमः ~ oṁ trilokeśāya namaḥ
20. Aum, Salutations to Trilokesha, the Ruler of the three worlds
ॐ शितिकण्ठाय नमः ~ oṁ śitikaṇṭhāya namaḥ
21. Aum, Salutations to Shitikantha, the One with a white throat
ॐ शिवाप्रियाय नमः ~ oṁ śivāpriyāya namaḥ
22. Aum, Salutations to Shivapriya, the Beloved of Shivā (Shakti)
ॐ उग्राय नमः ~ oṁ ugrāya namaḥ
23. Aum, Salutations to Ugra, the fierce One
ॐ कपालिने नमः ~ oṁ kapāline namaḥ
24. Aum, Salutations to Kapalin, the Wielder of a skull-bowl
ॐ कामारये नमः ~ oṁ kāmāraye namaḥ
25. Aum, Salutations to Kamara, the Destroyer of all passions
ॐ अन्धकासुरसूदनाय नमः ~ oṁ andhakāsurasūdanāya namaḥ
26. Aum, Salutations to Andhakasura-sudana, the Destroyer of the demon of blindness
ॐ गङ्गाधराय नमः ~ oṁ gaṅgādharāya namaḥ
27. Aum, Salutations to Gangadhara, the Bearer of the river Ganga
ॐ ललाटाक्षाय नमः ~ oṁ lalāṭākṣāya namaḥ
28. Aum, Salutations to Lalataksha, the One with a forehead eye
ॐ कालकालाय नमः ~ oṁ kālakālāya namaḥ
29. Aum, Salutations to Kalakala, the Ender of time (death)
ॐ कृपानिधये नमः ~ oṁ kṛpānidhaye namaḥ
30. Aum, Salutations to Kripanidhi, the Treasure of coṁpassion
ॐ भीमाय नमः ~ oṁ bhīmāya namaḥ
31. Aum, Salutations to Bhima, the formidable One
ॐ परशुहस्ताय नमः ~ oṁ paraśuhastāya namaḥ
32. Aum, Salutations to Parashu-hasta, the One who holds an axe
ॐ मृगपाणये नमः ~ oṁ mṛgapāṇaye namaḥ
33. Aum, Salutations to Mrigapani, the One who bears a deer in His hand
ॐ जटाधराय नमः ~ oṁ jaṭādharāya namaḥ
34. Aum, Salutations to Jatadhara, the One who wears matted locks
ॐ कैलासवासिने नमः ~ oṁ kailāsavāsine namaḥ
35. Aum, Salutations to Kailasavasin, the One who dwells in Kailasa
ॐ कवचिने नमः ~ oṁ kavacine namaḥ
36. Aum, Salutations to Kavachin, the One who is dressed in armor
ॐ कठोराय नमः ~ oṁ kaṭhorāya namaḥ
37. Aum, Salutations to Kathora, the strong One
ॐ त्रिपुरान्तकाय नमः ~ oṁ tripurāntakāya namaḥ
38. Aum, Salutations to Tripurantaka, the Destroyer of the three cities
ॐ वृषाङ्काय नमः ~ oṁ vṛṣāṅkāya namaḥ
39. Aum, Salutations to Vrishanka, the One with the Bull standard
ॐ वृषभारूढय नमः ~ oṁ vṛṣabhārūḍhaya namaḥ
40. Aum, Salutations to Vrishabha-rudha, the Rider of the Bull (Nandi)
ॐ भस्मोद्धूलितविग्रहाय नमः ~ oṁ bhasmoddhūlitavigrahāya namaḥ
41. Aum, Salutations to Bhasmadhulita-Vigraha, the One who is covered in holy ash
ॐ सामप्रियाय नमः ~ oṁ sāmapriyāya namaḥ
42. Aum, Salutations to Samapriya, the One who loves Sama chants
ॐ स्वरमयाय नमः ~ oṁ svaramayāya namaḥ
43. Aum, Salutations to Svaramaya, the One who is infused with sound (of creation)
ॐ त्रयीमूर्तये नमः ~ oṁ trayīmūrtaye namaḥ
44. Aum, Salutations to Trimurti, the One Being of three forms
ॐ अनीश्वराय नमः ~ oṁ anīśvarāya namaḥ
45. Aum, Salutations to Anishvara, the One without a superior
ॐ सर्वज्ञाय नमः ~ oṁ sarvajñāya namaḥ
46. Aum, Salutations to Sarvajna, the oṁniscient One
ॐ परमात्मने नमः ~ oṁ paramātmane namaḥ
47. Aum, Salutations to Paramatman, the supreme Self
ॐ सोमसूर्याग्निलोचनाय नमः ~ oṁ soṁasūryāgnilocanāya namaḥ
48. Aum, Salutations to Soṁasuryagni-lochana, the One whose eyes are the Moon, Sun and Fire
ॐ हविषे नमः ~ oṁ haviṣe namaḥ
49. Aum, Salutations to Havisha, the Receiver of oblations (of yajna ritual)
ॐ यज्ञमयाय नमः ~ oṁ yajñamayāya namaḥ
50. Aum, Salutations to Yajnamaya, the One who represents the yajna
ॐ सोमाय नमः ~ oṁ soṁāya namaḥ
51. Aum, Salutations to Soṁa, the One with Uma (sa + uma; Shakti)
ॐ पञ्चवक्त्राय नमः ~ oṁ pañcavaktrāya namaḥ
52. Aum, Salutations to Panchavaktra, the five-faced One
ॐ सदाशिवाय नमः ~ oṁ sadāśivāya namaḥ
53. Aum, Salutations to Sadashiva, the ever-auspicious One
ॐ विश्वेश्वराय नमः ~ oṁ viśveśvarāya namaḥ
54. Aum, Salutations to Vishveshvara, the Ruler of the universe
ॐ वीरभद्राय नमः ~ oṁ vīrabhadrāya namaḥ
55. Aum, Salutations to Virabhadra, the foremost Hero
ॐ गणनाथाय नमः ~ oṁ gaṇanāthāya namaḥ
56. Aum, Salutations to Gananatha, the Lord of hosts of beings
ॐ प्रजापतये नमः ~ oṁ prajāpataye namaḥ
57. Aum, Salutations to Prajapati, the Lord of all people
ॐ हिरण्यरेतसे नमः ~ oṁ hiraṇyaretase namaḥ
58. Aum, Salutations to Hiranyaretas, the One who emanates the golden (light)
ॐ दुर्धर्षाय नमः ~ oṁ durdharṣāya namaḥ
59. Aum, Salutations to Durdhasha, the unconquered One
ॐ गिरीशाय नमः ~ oṁ girīśāya namaḥ
60. Aum, Salutations to Giriisha, the Lord of the mountains
ॐ गिरिशाय नमः ~ oṁ giriśāya namaḥ
61. Aum, Salutations to Girisha, the One who resides in the mountains
ॐ अनघाय नमः ~ oṁ anaghāya namaḥ
62. Aum, Salutations to Anagha, the untainted One
ॐ भुजङ्गभूषणाय नमः ~ oṁ bhujaṅgabhūṣaṇāya namaḥ
63. Aum, Salutations to Bhujanga-bhushana, the One adorned in serpents
ॐ भर्गाय नमः ~ oṁ bhargāya namaḥ
64. Aum, Salutations to Bharga, the radiant One
ॐ गिरिधन्वने नमः ~ oṁ giridhanvane namaḥ
65. Aum, Salutations to Giridhanvan, the One who holds the mountains like a bow
ॐ गिरिप्रियाय नमः ~ oṁ giripriyāya namaḥ
66. Aum, Salutations to Giripriya, the One who loves the mountains
ॐ कृत्तिवाससे नमः ~ oṁ kṛttivāsase namaḥ
67. Aum, Salutations to Krittivasin, the One adorned in skins
ॐ पुरारातये नमः ~ oṁ purārātaye namaḥ
68. Aum, Salutations to Purarata, the One who resides in the wild
ॐ भगवते नमः ~ oṁ bhagavate namaḥ
69. Aum, Salutations to Bhagavan, the glorious Lord
ॐ प्रमथाधिपाय नमः ~ oṁ pramathādhipāya namaḥ
70. Aum, Salutations to Pramatha-Adhipa, the Lord of the spirits
ॐ मृत्युञ्जयाय नमः ~ oṁ mṛtyuñjayāya namaḥ
71. Aum, Salutations to Mrityunjaya, the Conquerer of death
ॐ सूक्ष्मतनवे नमः ~ oṁ sūkṣmatanave namaḥ
72. Aum, Salutations to Sukshmatana, the One with the subtlest of bodies
ॐ जगद्व्यापिने नमः ~ oṁ jagadvyāpine namaḥ
73. Aum, Salutations to Jagadvyapin, the One who pervades the whole world
ॐ जगद्गुरवे नमः ~ oṁ jagadgurave namaḥ
74. Aum, Salutations to Jagadguru, the Guru of the whole world
ॐ व्योमकेशाय नमः ~ oṁ vyoṁakeśāya namaḥ
75. Aum, Salutations to Vyoṁakesha, the One whose hair is space
ॐ महासेनजनकाय नमः ~ oṁ mahāsenajanakāya namaḥ
76. Aum, Salutations to Mahasena-janaka, the Father of Mahasena (Kartikeya)
ॐ चारुविक्रमाय नमः ~ oṁ cāruvikramāya namaḥ
77. Aum, Salutations to Charuvikrama, the pleasantly heroic One
ॐ रुद्राय नमः ~ oṁ rudrāya namaḥ
78. Aum, Salutations to Rudra, the praiseworthy One
ॐ भूतपतये नमः ~ oṁ bhūtapataye namaḥ
79. Aum, Salutations to Bhutapati, the Lord of all entities
ॐ स्थाणवे नमः ~ oṁ sthāṇave namaḥ
80. Aum, Salutations to Sthanu, the Immovable One
ॐ अहिर्बुध्न्याय नमः ~ oṁ ahirbudhnyāya namaḥ
81. Aum, Salutations to Ahirbudhnya, the Serpent of the depths (Kundalini)
ॐ दिगम्बराय नमः ~ oṁ digambarāya namaḥ
82. Aum, Salutations to Digambara, the One clad in the directions
ॐ अष्टमूर्तये नमः ~ oṁ aṣṭamūrtaye namaḥ
83. Aum, Salutations to Ashtamurti, the One of eight forms
ॐ अनेकात्मने नमः ~ oṁ anekātmane namaḥ
84. Aum, Salutations to Anekatma, the One soul of numerous (beings)
ॐ सात्विकाय नमः ~ oṁ sātvikāya namaḥ
85. Aum, Salutations to Satvika, the purest One
ॐ शुद्धविग्रहाय नमः ~ oṁ śuddhavigrahāya namaḥ
86. Aum, Salutations to Shuddha-vigraha, the One of stainless form
ॐ शाश्वताय नमः ~ oṁ śāśvatāya namaḥ
87. Aum, Salutations to Shashvata, the eternal One
ॐ खण्डपरशवे नमः ~ oṁ khaṇḍaparaśave namaḥ
88. Aum, Salutations to Khanda-parasha, the One who breaks through all problems
ॐ अजाय नमः ~ oṁ ajāya namaḥ
89. Aum, Salutations to Aja, the unborn One
ॐ पाशविमोचकाय नमः ~ oṁ pāśavimocakāya namaḥ
90. Aum, Salutations to Papa-vimochaka, the Absolver of sin
ॐ मृडाय नमः ~ oṁ mṛḍāya namaḥ
91. Aum, Salutations to Mrida, the joyful One
ॐ पशुपतये नमः ~ oṁ paśupataye namaḥ
92. Aum, Salutations to Pashupati, the Lord of all souls (creatures)
ॐ देवाय नमः ~ oṁ devāya namaḥ
93. Aum, Salutations to Deva, the shiny One
ॐ महादेवाय नमः ~ oṁ mahādevāya namaḥ
94. Aum, Salutations to Mahadeva, the great shiny One
ॐ अव्ययाय नमः ~ oṁ avyayāya namaḥ
95. Aum, Salutations to Avyaya, the changeless One
ॐ हरये नमः ~ oṁ haraye namaḥ
96. Aum, Salutations to Hara, the Absolver (of sins, bondages)
ॐ भगनेत्रभिदे नमः ~ oṁ bhaganetrabhide namaḥ
97. Aum, Salutations to Bhaganetra-bhida, the One who plucked the eye of Bhaga
ॐ अव्यक्ताय नमः ~ oṁ avyaktāya namaḥ
98. Aum, Salutations to Avyakta, the unmanifest One
ॐ दक्षाध्वरहराय नमः ~ oṁ dakṣādhvaraharāya namaḥ
99. Aum, Salutations to Dakshadhvara-hara, the Destroyer of the sacrifice of Daksha
ॐ हराय नमः ~ oṁ harāya namaḥ
100. Aum, Salutations to Hara, the Withdrawer of all things
ॐ पूषदन्तभिदे नमः ~ oṁ pūṣadantabhide namaḥ
101. Aum, Salutations to Pushadanta-bhida, the One who broke Pushan’s tooth
ॐ अव्यग्राय नमः ~ oṁ avyagrāya namaḥ
102. Aum, Salutations to Avagra, the steady One
ॐ सहस्राक्षाय नमः ~ oṁ sahasrākṣāya namaḥ
103. Aum, Salutations to Sahasraksha, the One of a thousand eyes
ॐ सहस्रपदे नमः ~ oṁ sahasrapade namaḥ
104. Aum, Salutations to Saharaspada, the One of a thousand feet
ॐ अपवर्गप्रदाय नमः ~ oṁ apavargapradāya namaḥ
105. Aum, Salutations to Apavarga-prada, the Bestower of absolution
ॐ अनन्ताय नमः ~ oṁ anantāya namaḥ
106. Aum, Salutations to Ananta, the endless One
ॐ तारकाय नमः ~ oṁ tārakāya namaḥ
107. Aum, Salutations to Taraka, the One who liberates
ॐ परमेश्वराय नमः ~ oṁ parameśvarāya namaḥ
108. Aum, Salutations to Parameshvara, the supreme Lord